YWCA Cass Clay operates the largest Emergency Shelter for women and children escaping domestic violence, homelessness, and other crisis situations in North Dakota and northwestern Minnesota. Wherever someone may be on their journey, YWCA Cass Clay walks alongside them to ensure they have access to the tools and resources necessary to reach their goals and… Continue Reading YWCA Cass Clay
Women’s Shelter, Inc.
Women’s Shelter Inc. serves nearly 4,000 victims annually and housed approximately 400-500 individuals within our community. Individuals and families served represent vast ethnic, socio-economic, educational, sexual orientation, and religious backgrounds. Women’s Shelter Inc. is the only shelter for victims of domestic violence within the 10 counties that represent Southeastern Minnesota. The average length of stay… Continue Reading Women’s Shelter, Inc.
WoMen’s Rural Advocacy Programs, Inc. (WRAP)
The WoMen’s Rural Advocacy Programs, Inc. (WRAP) services include a 24-Hour Crisis Line with access to an advocate, day or night, to discuss options or be a listening ear. We can help connect you with safe housing access to short and long-term emergency safe-housing options; emergency transportation and providing access to transportation options to ensure… Continue Reading WoMen’s Rural Advocacy Programs, Inc. (WRAP)