As champions for equality and human rights, the network of Day One works to ensure that no call for help goes unanswered so that all in need can find safety and support. Day One is a statewide program of Cornerstone.
Day One Overview
Day One is a statewide network of domestic violence, sexual assault, human trafficking, youth and general crime programs in Minnesota. Day One hosts the Minnesota Day One Crisis Line which connects individuals seeking safety and resources to service agencies statewide via phone, text or chat message. The Day One Call Center also answers calls, texts and chat messages to the Minnesota Crime Victim Support Line.
Prior to Day One, survivors had to make 8-15 phone calls to access services and support. Day One simplifies the process by using real-time technology to operate as a centralized system. Tapping into a statewide network of interconnected relationships, survivors can now make one call, text, or chat that connects them to a trained Day One advocate. The advocate then follows best practices to search, identify, and refer survivors to the requested service or agency in their geographic area.
We are dedicated to supporting survivors and diminishing barriers to safety and support. As champions for equality and human rights, Day One works to ensure that no call for help goes unanswered. We provide victims of abuse and their families with the right services, at the right place, at the right time–on “Day One.”
What to Expect If You Contact the Minnesota Day One Program
- Advocacy from a supportive person: An advocate will listen, understand, and help you sort out your options. Advocates provide support and assistance, information, referrals, resources, and more.
- Choices involving law enforcement: Calling the crisis hotline is not the same as calling the police. No one will call the police without your permission unless they believe that you are in immediate physical danger and cannot make the call yourself.
- A safe place/shelter: An advocate will try to locate an available safe place to stay if you choose. At times, Day One is able to assist with finding transportation as well.
- Safety Planning: Advocates can assist you in creating a plan towards safety based on your individual needs.
- Resources: Our referral partners offer a variety of resources and services. Some of the services include:
- Support groups: Available for children, youth, and/or adults.
- Individual Advocacy: Available to support, provide options and additional services/referrals.
- Shelter and Housing: Our network consists of immediate shelter options, as well as some programs with longer-term options than immediate shelter.
- Criminal/Civil Advocacy: Programs can offer information about an Order for Protection and other civil matters. Most programs do not provide legal counsel, but may be able to provide referrals for you to free or low cost lawyers.
- Culturally Specific Services: Day One supports people of all backgrounds, lived experiences, cultural and linguistic identities, and our referral partners consist of a wide variety of options that include culturally specific services.
- Co-Advocacy: Some Day One partner agencies may work together with you to provide co-advocacy to support you within your cultural/ethnic identity. Co-advocacy offers culturally specific advocates working with another advocate from the mainstream agency serving you to support you in your journey. For example, Cornerstone and ThinkSelf work as partners with the Deaf community through advocacy offered by both a Deaf advocate and a hearing advocate. You may work with a Deaf advocate only, a mainstream advocate only, or both to ensure your needs are being addressed.
How You Can Help
Help Someone Else: If there is someone else in your life that is experiencing domestic violence, sexual assault, human trafficking, or a victim of crime, there are ways to help. Contact Day One and review resources on how to assist someone else.
Media: For media outlets interested in assisting Day One’s mission, the best thing to do is spreading the word of Day One’s Minnesota Crisis Line: 1-866-223-1111. For media inquires, please contact Colleen Schmitt, Director of Day One at 952-646-6545 or cschmitt@dayoneservices.org.
Donate: Day One is a Minnesota statewide program of Cornerstone Advocacy Service, a victim and survivor-centered advocacy and service provider committed to ending domestic violence, sexual assault and human trafficking. If you’d like to make an impact, please consider making a donation to Cornerstone.
Education and Materials: Cornerstone and Day One sends out a variety of free educational materials in both print and digital versions, including Day One and General Crime pocket-sized contact cards, program-based info cards, and fliers. To view the full list of materials and to make a materials request, please visit our Materials page on the Cornerstone website and fill out the form at the bottom.
Contact Day One Today
Call the Minnesota Day One Crisis Line 1-866-223-1111 to speak with an advocate (interpreters are available), text 612-399-9995, or click the CHAT NOW button on this site to connect with a Day One advocate. A Day One advocate is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to assist you.
If you are in immediate danger, please call 911.